Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Welding training starts!

last week, it was our group to go for gas welding.sadly, having not enough gas we were only able to watch our instructor show how to weld a metal with gas welding technique. this week, its my group turn to go for arc welding. the skills for arc welding are simple. in my understanding, to weld a metal with arc welding is like lighting a match.here are some of the picture of us welding.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Brief explanation about gas welding and arc welding

its the day of the week! we are all going to the workshop again, last time we could not do anything becausse most of us did not wear the appropriate equipment to begin our work in the workshop. but this time, its different, all of us spent our own money for the sake of learning what engineer really do. we were splitted up to two groups, one group goes to the gas welding area and the other group went to the arc welding area.
Mawaridi switching on one of the gas tank
 picture on the left is a place where the gas that were kept for gas welding. as you can see, all five tanks are connected together. in my understanding, this is done because, why use one tanks for just one student when you can connect all the tanks for all the student to use
awang malik excited for welding experience

again, the left picture is a place use for gas welding. since there are quite a little gas to use for welding, our instructor will only be able to show us demo.

Instructor Kula giving us a demo on gas welding
finally, our instructor giving us tips and tricks on welding a metal, the techniques and eveything we need to know on how to welding safely.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Alhamdullilah, the Raya event was a successful, the was no error, all the instructors were please by our effort. All of the students were also having fun and non of them complaint about anything,the food was delicious and for entertainment one of our senior bought his karaoke equipment to entertain the instructor and also the students. here are the picture of the Raya event.

A picture of instructors have a duet.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Its the time of the year where all of  us Marine engineering student from ND1 and ND2 decorate and making preparation for the upcoming MKJB Raya celebration.
here are some of the photo of us preparing the marine study hall for the upcoming raya event.

left image.picture of marine student working together decorating the study hall.

right image. marine seniors discussing what to do with the bamboo stick.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Like every common schooling days, all of us were waiting for the instructor to arrive and have our lesson. Then one of my colleague were horsing around about a fire and also there were rumors that the instructor having a meeting. Then suddenly, the fire bell rang and shocked us all. All of us started to mumble and asking each other what happen. Unanimously, we all decided to go to the parking lot.

Here we are waiting with all the other courses. Then, one of the instructor started to clap his hand and congratulate for taking quite a small amount of time to group up. They told us that it was just a fire drill test.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Assalam, last year after the last phase test, I've known that i didn't make it because i failed three of my subject which has cost me a year to repeat the ND1. This year however, i will try to change my old way and will make a better to pass through this ND1.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

1st year of outside School function at Masjid kampung pandan

All of us student were given a letter to meet at the masjid kg pandan to have our lecture.

a picture of all the MKJB muslims student listening to one of the lecturer