Saturday, December 15, 2012


Theres many types of addiction,like your addiction for shopping,eating,playing games etc. which causes you to lose your time being with your family or you got no time doing your project,homework,etc.
My addiction are hanging out with friends and playing online games.For me, not going out for a day suffocated me,i can't stay in my house for 24 hours straight,i need my freedom,a little time of my own.The disadvantage of it is that all of those stuff made me forgot about my work.
Luckily i control myself,by timing my schedule,like what all those people always say,"play hard,you got to work hard"

Monday, December 3, 2012


First of all i would like to say sorry for not updating this blog for the lasts three week and starting for today i will, guarantee that I will always update this blog minimum 1 posts for every week.

Back to the main topic on the 28 and 29 November 2012; The 3rd Athletics Championships between Technical and Vocational Institutes where held at the Balapan Track and Field at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Sports Complex in Berakas.

My friends and I had to sleep at the Bandar hotel which is the time's hotel just so that we are able to attend to the technical and Vocational sports day,we only stayed for one night. The sport day was fun and everyone had the time of their life, we get along with each other even though we are not from the same district nor the same school. unfortunately, when they announced the winner of the 3rd Athletics Championship between Technical and Vocational,things were started to get rough. For as you know, the host for the event were SVSB(Sultan Bolkiah Vocational School), what makes the other feels so upset was that they got 1st place for the event, everyones started booing and throwing trashes to the field. For me, winning and losing is a game custom, if you lose, have some pride in you failure, don't go mad or curse the other team.that is all for my report on the sport day.

thank for reading

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Exams is coming

So much to learn with such a little time, that's what they said, but everything can change with a little bit of focus and determination, our first exam will be on electrical.Its on 3/11/2012 if I'm not mistaken, most of us are not ready for an exam,well just like i said with a little bit of focus and determination we can ace this test!. Also, remember to pray for success! good luck marine engineer.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


You use Twitter constantly for your business but you may not be aware that Twitter has some limitations that may affect your use. A lot of the limitations may not be any big deal but they are important to know.
A limited number of followers
Once your Twitter account is following 2,000 other Twitter users, if you try to follow additional people, you will be limited by ratios that are specific to your account.  If you have that many followers (which many people do not), you will get a message from Twitter once you have reached that limit. Two thousand people is a high number for “regular folks.” You will receive notification that you have reached that limit and you will have to wait until you are given permission to go over that limit before you can follow any additional people. If you are connected to someone on Twitter and they are at their 2,000 follower limit, please don’t take it personally and unfollow them. They don’t really have any control over the situation. If you reach your Twitter limit and have other people with whom you wish to be connected, you need to look at your others and consider if you can do without following them. If you feel that you can, you can substitute the new followers for the ones that you already had.

Your following percentage is higher
Twitter allows you a slightly higher percentage of people whom you are allowed to follow than who are allowed to follow you. According to Twitter, the limit is not a set number. It is different for every person and it is based on the ratio of followers to following. Once you have hit the limit, an error message will appear in your browser. Once you have more followers, you will be able to follow additional people as well.

Daily following ability
You are only allowed to follow 1,000 people a day (this is pretty generous). You should be careful not to send tweets too frequently to the same followers, however, because you will hit the limit, which may lock your Twitter account for up to 24 hours. It is a good idea to follow people during less-popular hours (perhaps during non-business hours) in order to avoid your limit. You wouldn’t want your limit to prevent you from tweeting some really important content.

Daily tweet limit
Your daily tweet limit is 1,000. Of course, that is pretty generous. Depending on how actively you tweet, you will most likely not get close to the limit of 1,000 tweets a day.

Hourly tweets
If you divide 1,000 tweets in a 24-hour period by 24, you can do 41 tweets in an hour. What is the chance that  you will exceed that in any given hour during business (or even during your personal time)? You also have a limit of 250 direct messages a day.

A Powerful Tool for Obtaining Information / news
 Twitter users often link to useful sites or articles and can be a source of scoops and alternative news. This is very useful for active social news participants as they can subscribe to Twitter feeds for specific websites/conferences, which allows them to receive and view content quickly.Twitter can be quite an effective search tool for researching any kind of information. The results can complement other methods or sources of information. Twitter has a wide range of users, who constantly update Twitter with new information on different niches.

Marketing Opportunities.
 Twitter can be used in promoting your products and services. It is a cost effective method to increase awareness about your products or services. You can use it to inform customers about any new announcement or special offers. Twitter offers all the advantages of traditional text message marketing and more. It can prove to be a useful tool for conducting market research by better understanding of potential or existing customers.

Make new friends
 Twitter has a built-in function for you to befriend and track the messages of other users. This is a simple way for you connect with like minded people outside of your usual circle. A Twitter association can be developed into a long term acquaintance.

In short, Twitter allows you to monitor how influencers think or feel, you can also get into their attention zone via active networking. Twitter is an excellent social media tool for business. It is important to be aware of what it can do for you and what it can’t do. It works most effectively one on one and is a tool that is tailor made for customization. Twitter is constantly striving to meet the needs of its users and feedback is taken very seriously and the suggestions that are communicated are implemented to a great extent. The tweets always cater to the individual. The chances are great that you will not go anywhere near the limits that have been discussed here. However, it is very important to be aware of the rules that Twitter has established so that you can use it in the most effective way for your business

Here are some easy steps to get started on Twitter

1. Go to

2. Sign up: Name, Email, Password (change password periodically for security)

3. Pick your username: Short & Memorable 

4. Set up your profile (Twitter will give you a page to do that after signing up), or simply go to at any time. You have a “home page”, which shows all your friends’ Tweets, and a “Profile” page for all your Tweets.

5. Upload a picture. I learned in my first week on Twitter that if you don’t have a real picture, people question your sincerity and committment.

6. Complete your bio. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. The bio provides all people know about you on Twitter before they get to know you.  The bio tells people WHY you are on Twitter, that is WHAT you are planning to Tweet about. It  communicates your brand on Twitter. Think well about who you want to be on Twitter and that this creates a permanent record in your history.

7. Find people to follow. To start, ask your friends or colleagues for their Twitter handles so that you can practice; also follow news sources. While all Tweets can be found on Google, if you start a message with @, e.g. @nathomson, the messsage goes (mostly) only to that person. They know you are directly addressing them. If you have a bio, other people will find you and follow you but there are many tools out there to find people with similar interests to yours; this blog lists some.
But, think quality not quantity. You don’t need to follow everybody who follows you, but most people will tell you that initially they did follow most people who followed them to get started. Just remember, once you have hundreds of followers, administration is a lot of work, so think ahead.


Its simple, get on the internet and you get tons of information about twitter. basically, to get more information about twitter is that by experiencing on using twitter itself.


Twitter is an online social networking and micro blogging service that enables its user to send and read text-base messages of up to 140 characters, known as 'tweets'. It is also the 10 most visited website on the internet. Twitter aslo known as "the SMS of the internet"

Twitter contains information you will find valuable. Messages from users you choose to follow will show up on your home page for you to read. It’s like being delivered a newspaper whose headlines you’ll always find interesting – you can discover news as it’s happening, learn more about topics that are important to you, and get the inside scoop in real time.Its also expand your proessional network by paying attentionto @ messages, see people you're working with. If the discussion is interesting enough.You might find someone you'd like to follow on Twitter and eventually work with them.Twitter also allow you to promote your blog posts.It is also the best way to keep up with any news in the world such as celebrity news,your home town new,etc.

you might use twitter to do some by asking question which you didn't know the answer.some of the search on twitter are :
General search. Both Twitter Search and TweetScan provide reliable search for Twitter’s data, but the former allows you to drill down your search queries using the Advanced search feature.
Tag search. Twitter Search is also able to search for tags, but #hashtags returns a graphical representation of the trend for a specific tag. The downside is currently #hashtags is a bit slow and incomplete.
Conversation search. If you want to search for previous conversations, again Twitter Search is able to provide you with the information. If there is a conversation related to a tweet, you will see a link toShow Conversation.
Location search. TwitterLocal is a useful tool if you want to perform a search for tweets within or around a specific geographical area.
Keyword search. Monitter lets you monitor 3 keywords live at the same time with the ability to nail down geographic area. Use this to get a hint about current trends (how popular one keyword is).
Topical research. If you know someone who is an established expert in an industry or niche, useTweetStats to see which keywords he uses most often. TweetStats represents the data in TweetCloud, which is much like tag cloud but for Twitter.
Popular URL search. Twitt(url)y sorts URLs by how frequently they were mentioned in tweets. Think of a mention as a vote in Digg. The more people talk about a URL, the higher the rankings in Twitt(url)y will be. This tool is useful if you want to spot popular topics using aggregated Twitter’s data.
Data aggregation. This is not specific to Twitter, but a lot of people syndicate their Twitter feeds toFriendFeed. With it, feeds from Twitter and other social media sites are aggregated in one central location for followers to consume. FriendFeed also has powerful filtering and search feature.
Search result monitoring. Again, this is not directly related to Twitter, but often times conversations shift back and forth between blogs and Twitters. If you monitor the the Web and news, using Google Alerts or the blogosphere with Technorati, among others, you would be able to track the whole conversations.

Twitter’s photo-sharing and uploading service is now available to all users, Twitter has confirmed.
The feature, which made its debut in early June, allows users to add images to their tweets. Users will now find a camera icon on the bottom of the “What’s Happening?” box on Clicking it will let users select a picture to upload, which they can then preview before sending it to the world. Tweets containing photos include a link to, along with a thumbnail of the attached picture.
The feature is being rolled out in advance of the launch of Apple iOS 5. Apple’s new mobile OS prominently features Twitter integration, essentially making it the default social network for iOS users. Users will be able to share photos via Twitter in iOS 5. Twitter isn’t saying when mobile photo uploads will be available in its Android and iOS apps, but we suspect that functionality will be coming very soon.
Twitter’s photo-sharing service is powered by Photobucket, which provides all of the hosting for user-uploaded photos.
Twitter’s photo service essentially negates the usefulness of photo-sharing services like TwitPic. Twitter has come under criticism for competing with third-party services built on its platform. Developers don’t know whether Twitter will suddenly start competing with their products, an issue that has created a cloud of uncertainty over the Twitter ecosystem.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Everything begins here

This is my first post in this blog.As you can see how unattractive my first post because i'm still not quite familiar how a blogs wok. Its like being a baby trying to walk on its own for the first time, you might fall again and again, but you must gey back on your feet.I don't even know if those sentences makes any sense but i'll hope you get the point. Everything is not easy in the begining,once you get use to it, it'll be easy, Thats all for now, i'll be updating new posts,pictures,etc. and thank you for reading this.