Saturday, December 15, 2012


Theres many types of addiction,like your addiction for shopping,eating,playing games etc. which causes you to lose your time being with your family or you got no time doing your project,homework,etc.
My addiction are hanging out with friends and playing online games.For me, not going out for a day suffocated me,i can't stay in my house for 24 hours straight,i need my freedom,a little time of my own.The disadvantage of it is that all of those stuff made me forgot about my work.
Luckily i control myself,by timing my schedule,like what all those people always say,"play hard,you got to work hard"

Monday, December 3, 2012


First of all i would like to say sorry for not updating this blog for the lasts three week and starting for today i will, guarantee that I will always update this blog minimum 1 posts for every week.

Back to the main topic on the 28 and 29 November 2012; The 3rd Athletics Championships between Technical and Vocational Institutes where held at the Balapan Track and Field at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Sports Complex in Berakas.

My friends and I had to sleep at the Bandar hotel which is the time's hotel just so that we are able to attend to the technical and Vocational sports day,we only stayed for one night. The sport day was fun and everyone had the time of their life, we get along with each other even though we are not from the same district nor the same school. unfortunately, when they announced the winner of the 3rd Athletics Championship between Technical and Vocational,things were started to get rough. For as you know, the host for the event were SVSB(Sultan Bolkiah Vocational School), what makes the other feels so upset was that they got 1st place for the event, everyones started booing and throwing trashes to the field. For me, winning and losing is a game custom, if you lose, have some pride in you failure, don't go mad or curse the other team.that is all for my report on the sport day.

thank for reading